Το Nvidia RT Overdrive Mode έφτασε στο Cyberpunk 2077 (και γονατίζει GPUs)

Το Patch 1.6.2 έφτασε για το Cyberpunk 2077 και παράλληλα με την υποστήριξη για το Nvidia DLAA (Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing), το Intel XeSS και τις βελτιώσεις στην οθόνη των benchmarks, το παιχνίδι απέκτησε υποστήριξη για την πολυαναμενόμενη λειτουργία “RT Overdrive”, μια “Technology Preview”, που είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο για τους gamers με το ultra-high-end hardware της Nvidia.

Κατά την κυκλοφορία, η λειτουργία RT Overdrive του Cyberpunk 2077 υποστηρίζεται μόνο σε κάρτες γραφικών RTX 4070 Ti και άνω, με την τελευταίας γενιάς RTX 3090 της Nvidia να υποστηρίζει το παιχνίδι στα προτεινόμενα 1080p 30 FPS!

Η λειτουργία RT Overdrive του Cyberpunk 2077 δεν αστειεύεται, και τα τεράστια φορτία που επιβαρύνουν τις κάρτες γραφικών είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο η λειτουργία αναφέρεται ως technical preview και επομένως η λειτουργία είναι απενεργοποιημένη από προεπιλογή.

Τα επίσημα patch notes θα τα βρείτε παρακάτω, μαζί με ένα demo video των νέων τεχνολογιών:


Patch 1.62 for Cyberpunk 2077 is being rolled out on PC. This update brings the technology preview of Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode for high-end PCs.

Together with NVIDIA, we’re bringing a completely new, fully ray-traced, aka path-traced, rendering mode to the game with this patch – Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode. We’re proud of it. It pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in technology. However, because it is so new and fundamentally different from what we’ve been using so far, we know it’s not going to be perfect from the start and players might experience some issues – that’s why we’ve decided to call it a “Technology Preview”. This is a vision of the future that we want to share, and we’re committed to continue working on and improving this feature.

The technology preview of Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode is currently supported on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series (4070 Ti and up) graphics cards. Also, on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (1080p, 30 fps). As this is a cutting-edge feature, it requires the highest-performing hardware available to run it properly. Ray Tracing: Overdrive is very GPU intensive, therefore it’s set to “off” by default.

For other ray-tracing-capable PC graphics cards with at least 8GB VRAM, we included an option to render path-traced screenshots in Photo Mode. This is possible because it means rendering just one frame, as opposed to rendering several frames every second (i.e. FPS), which would happen when playing the game.

You’ll find the list of changes for patch 1.62 below:

Path Tracing: Technology Preview

Added a Ray Tracing: Overdrive preset which includes the Path Tracing technology. You can enable the Ray Tracing: Overdrive preset in Settings > Graphics > Quick Preset, or just Path Tracing separately in Settings > Graphics in the Ray Tracing section.

Additionally, we included an option to render path-traced screenshots in Photo Mode for other Ray-Tracing-capable graphics cards with at least 8GB VRAM. If your graphics card has more than 8GB VRAM and this option is still greyed out, it means you need to lower your in-game resolution. Note that the higher the resolution and the less powerful the GPU is, the longer it will take to take a screenshot (between a few seconds to several minutes). You can enable Path Tracing for Photo Mode in Settings > Graphics in the Ray Tracing section.


Added NVIDIA DLAA, an AI-based anti-aliasing mode designed to improve image quality. DLAA requires a NVIDIA RTX graphics card. It can be enabled in Settings > Graphics in the NVIDIA DLSS section. 

Intel XeSS

Added support for Intel Xe Super Sampling 1.1, an upscaling technology using machine learning to provide improved performance with high image quality. It can be enabled in Settings > Graphics in the Resolution Scaling section.

Benchmark improvements

Improved the Benchmark to display more information in the results screen, including PC specs, GPU driver version and selected settings.

Πηγή: Cyberpunk 2077

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